Titia as speaker

100 men and women gathered to discuss career opportunities of women engineers in Wageningen.
You have a subject in mind, such as culture change, communication, or service orientation. Or maybe one of the many topics that are offered as training on this website. During your work conference, lunch meeting, symposium or congress you can book a Bureau 5 voor 9 speaker for an interactive presentation of at least half an hour and up to three hours. Of course, you are guaranteed an interesting and informative presentation, but it will also stimulate your other senses.
Through experiential learning (during which participants gain experience, reflect, are offered information and applicable assignments) combined with Gardner’s multiple intelligences, your attendees will sit at the edge of their seat.
Titia van der Ploeg is a well-known speaker in The Netherlands. She contributed to the HR-event of the Dutch Training Professionals. She also held a workshop ‘Ambition’ for the Women’s Network at the Nijmegen municipality. One of the responses:
“The next day I immediately started to work on a few tedious chores I had laying around because I was able to see through my own excuses. And I felt so happy. I thought it was an inspiring workshop with many useful tips and tricks. Many thanks.”
On September 26 2014, Titia was one of the workshop directors (2 groups with 60 participants) during the ‘Day of the Trainer’. On that day she was elected NOBTRA ‘Trainer of the Year’.
You may hire ir. Titia van der Ploeg through the Dutch speaker agency ZijSpreekt.
Lectures can be booked through: www.zijspreekt.nl or directly via the contact form.
Please consider adding the following information:
- Which company or organization do you represent?
- When and where does the event take place?
- What type of meeting or event is it?
- How many participants are expected?
- What is their background and attitude towards the subject?
- What is the purpose of the meeting?
- What is the purpose of Titia’s contribution?
- How will you know you have reached this goal? When the audience.. (feels, behaves..)
- What is the available budget for the speaker?
- How much time will you reserve for Titia’s contribution?
- Are there any other speakers?
- If yes, is Titia the keynote speaker?
Example: New Year’s reception training institute ISBW
‘It was a complete success. Titia van der Ploeg had the attendees sit at the edge of their seat with her workshop on Multiple Intelligences.’
What did the attending lecturers and trainers think of the workshop?
- “Great tips, very useful, also in management trainings. Learned a lot.”
- “This makes me tremendously happy: celebrate the diversity!”
- “Fun, Informative, Playful – Interactive, Inspiring, Enlightening”
- “What I heard, saw and experienced made me really happy”
- “Very fun, informative and interactive; it gave me new insights into Multiple Intelligences and the applicability for ISBW but also in my own work environment”
- “There were some real eye-openers and I thought it was an inspiring afternoon that exceeded my expectations”
- “Great tips, very useful, also in management trainings. Learned a lot.”